Monday, December 4, 2006

Jesus Scares Me (This I Know)

JA here. Those of you who know anything about me from my site know that I am a big horror-movie geek. I get as excited, if not more, by the prospect of a new movie by Eli Roth as I do one by, say, Terrence Malick.

Now, if you're done having an epileptic seizure from that last statement, let me say, there is one movie that I am too scared to watch that has come out this year. I was fine with ladies spleunking into Bat-Boy caves, I was dandy with cannibalistic hillbillies terrorizing the American Family, but point a camera at a bunch of evangelical Christians brainwashing their kids into being Soldiers For The Lord, and I am not having any of it. Too scary, too scary!

So I have not seen Jesus Camp. I was raised in the Evangelical movement; I went to Bible Camp every Summer of my childhood, and I have many vivid memories of the whole roll-in-the-aisles, speak-in-tongues world that the film depicts, so it hits pretty close to home and frankly, I don't know that I want to revisit it (I saw Hell House and it made me curl into the fetal position for days).

But anyway, I share because the entire documentary is now online right here (via Cinematical), so... I may just make myself do this. After all, it keeps getting called by many critics "the best horror film they've seen all year." What am I, some sort of wuss? Bring it onward, Christian Soldiers!

Who here has seen it? Is it the companion piece to The Exorcist that I am taking it to be?