Monday, December 4, 2006

The (Mostly) Unseen Contenders of '06: The Good Shepherd


Release Date
: December 22nd

MPAA Rating: R for some violence, sexuality and language

Ten Words Or Less
: How the C.I.A. got started (Patriot Act not included).

Reason For Existence: The oddest cast of the year assembles for DeNiro's pet project (Matt Damon, Keir Dullea, Angelina Jolie, Michael Gambon, William Hurt, Alec Baldwin, Ann Hampton Calloway, and -- wait for it -- Joe Pesci).

Mathematical Equation: The Conversation + Good Will Hunting + African adoption (1 Baldwin), multiplied by Raging Bull to the third power

Take A Look
: "Everybody has secrets to tell...mine are bigger than others." (Oh stop it with the bragging, Matt.)

Early Buzz (Good)
: "An intense, fascinating, pulsating and passionate depiction of a chapter of American History." - Somebody, Ain't It Cool News

Early Buzz (Bad)
: "There is not one truly inspired shot in the entire film. I was hoping that, as DeNiro has worked the most with Martin Scorsese, there would be at least a touch of Scorsese's filmmaking ability. I seem to have expected way too much." - Different Somebody, Ain't It Cool News

Oscar Locks: None (though close in Best Film)

In The Running: Best Film, Best Director (Robert DeNiro), Best Actor (Damon), Best Actress (Jolie), Best Screenplay (Eric Roth)

Long Shots
: Cinematography (Robert Richardson), Editing (Tariq Anwar), Costumes (Ann Roth)

Completely Irrelevant Best Picture Odds
: 5-1

Why It's Essential
: DeNiro directing for the first time since A Bronx Tale, Pesci in a movie for the first time in ages, and Angelina on screen for the first time since hooking up with Brad.

The Achilles Heel
: One can nearly choke on all the verissimilitude. That's some serious schmacting, my friends.

The Verdict
: Universal has two possible ponies to ride in the Oscar race. I've seen the other one, Children of Men, and I don't expect it to be more than a minor factor. So expect an all-out campaign for this once the reviews are in.

[Modern Fabulousity]