Saturday, May 17, 2008

Brangelina, A Confession

WIMB waxes rhapsodic yesterday about Angelina Jolie's "full" pregnancy and expanding palette. I heart Angelina, I do. (Brad as well. duh) And not just because she once looked right @ me. Usually I am a firm believer in not caring that much about the personal lives of celebrities. I'm sure it'd be much better for all of them if we all focused on the work. As an added worldwide benefit, I fully believe that the work itself would be better too: they'd all have to step it up if the public was paying attention to their creative contributions rather than which parties they were attending. Surprise Bonus: In that world there'd be little room for useless celebrity heiresses or damaging coddling out of control celebrities who ignore their own gifts in favor of staying famous for other reasons. If people valued talent and creativity over who went where in what and with whom... imagine it!

But in the case of Brangelina, I am totally happily one of the crowd. I love seeing pics of them. I find their globe-trotting humanitarian adventures admirable and fascinating. I know the names of all their children. And I only feel guilty about enjoying all the surely intrusive paparazzi shots of the brood once in a while. How can I live with this contradiction? I don't know. I just do.

But I can't help it. Ain't they sweet?