Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Rainbow and the City

With summer movie season now starting I've nearly dangerous bloodhype levels. I can't look at one more commercial or poster. There's like a biweekly remix of the The Dark Knight trailer at this point (and the movie is still two months away). I want to see all the movies right now, before i'm sick of any of them --like Sex & The City: The Movie. Must crash this party before I see one more gown...

Too late! Speaking of crashing this party, if you wanna win tickets to the NYC premiere (May 27th) and an after party (SJP and her galpals probably not included... or under heavy protective posse surveillance), click on over to Modern Tonic where you can enter a contest to do just that. Just thought I'd let you know even though that means more competition for yours truly. I'm self-sacrificing like that.