Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hump Day Hottie, Shia LaBeouf

Help! The blog has moved into popcorn season. Mmmm, popcorn.
It's that time of year I guess ... desperate for the warmth, sun, and waves of summer. Must be strong. Still another week or two until I hit Florida.

<-------- Shia LaBeouf, friend to big robots,
imaginary boyfriend to millions of young moviegoers

A few weeks back as I was perusing the internets I found this hilarious but pretty well done fake of Shia all LaBuffed... along with a raging debate about whether or not the photo was a fake. It is. Even if the rising star has been ingesting plenty of spinach and now all muscully for Indiana Jones and the Noun of the Adjective Noun --you know you want to play MadLibs with Indiana titles -- he probably wouldn't be taking pictures of himself that included barely concealed erections, you know? Only drunk starlets flash their privates with too-famous / too-fast abandon. Not that Shia isn't reckless. Behold: his mug shot from last year.

I hate that even whilst being arrested he looks lit by a celebrity photographer. Isn't that a whole light box reflecting in his eyes. I also hate that you always see pictures of him eating. But he stays totally thin.

I'm telling you. I eat one thing and.... ugh, I hate him. But I love him too. I think he's a talented actor --he almost made me care about big robots-- and talent is always hot. As for Shia's own taste level...

Funny, I always figured him for an Obama man myself. Or maybe this handwritten scrawl is in support of Swank's double Oscars in which case: BOOOOOO Shia. Please don't join the Academy!

If you still need more Shia, there's always the new GQ interview and spread. And yes, I meant to post all this last Wednesday. Sue me. Anyway, Indiana Jones and the ___noun___ of the __adjective__-- ___noun___ opens in just few hours.

Select your MadLibs in the comments. Or just drool on Shia. Your choice.