Thursday, November 13, 2008

How Many Licks Does It Take...


... to get to the center of Baz Luhrmann's Australia anyway? JA from MNPP here, just wondering. The big honking Down Under premiere is literally four days away and Baz is still editing. Editing! He's filmed a thousand different endings, and apparently nothing sticks. Do we, the expectant fans, panic? Or do we help a brother out?

I think y'all know the answer. Baz needs our help! Sure, none of us have seen any of the film beyond the trailer, but I have a feeling there are certain genre tropes of the Epic Romance that will be fulfilled, so we can probably feel out, at least partially, some of the steps the story goes through. Nicole wants to be a strong woman who can survive on her own! Hugh is the big man who thinks she's a little too far out of her comfort zone! They bicker, they flirt, they make blinding lust shoot off the screen in a rainbow of sparks. Something biggish, a war with large planes and booming sound effects, erupts! Oh noes will our lovers end up together?

And then... what? What is the only way you can imagine the movie ending that would leave you satisfied? Here's mine:

Hugh walks into a burning building, looking for Nicole whom he knows to be trapped inside because she's protecting an endangered Aborigine child whose family was murdered by some evil land barons. Hugh screams her name... nothing. He's sweating profusely... his shirt catches on fire so he rips it off. A beam falls at him, and he tumbles backwards... and falls right through the movie screen like Jeff Daniels in The Purple Rose of Cairo. I run forward, sweep him up into my arms, and carry him off into the sunset. Roll credits.

Your turn!