Saturday, November 1, 2008

She's Got Bette Davis Size

Imagine risking comparison to Bette Davis. Just go ahead and imagine it. ZOINKS! Scary stuff, right? It'd take an actress of significant theatrical heft, self-satisfied chutzpah, and A list poise to do so. I guess it would take... The Bening.

from today's NY Times Arts section

She'll be playing Davis' signature role, theatrical grand dame "Margo Channing", in All About Eve next Monday right here in NYC. $1500 for a good seat, eh? Oh, to run with the deep pocketed arts loving crowd --or sit with them rather. Even if you don't jones for The Bening the way I do, the ticket also brings you her American Beauty sausage Peter Gallagher, Oscar & TONY winner Joel Grey, the legendary Angela Lansbury, Sex & The City's Cynthia Nixon and silver fox John Slattery (Mad Men) among others. What's not to fork over $1500 for? If you carry that kind of cash.

I doubt that I've seen enough classic films in my lifetime to do justice to a "best screenplays ever" type of list but if one were to be drawn up, All About Eve's would rank quite highly. The sharpness, wit and steel of those words ... don't you just love?