Monday, November 24, 2008

Viva Italia (and Hugh Jackman)

I was all set to complain that we didn't get Hugh Jackman on the US cover of Vanity Fair. Then I remembered that they just gave us Amy Adams and Kate Winslet as pin-up girls instead so...

It feels churlish to complain somehow. But still...

On the cover of 2009's "Vanity Fair's Hollywood" can we just get The Drover in Scarlett Johansson's 2006 pose --maybe his trainer could play the Keira part? (I'll be Tom Ford) Or maybe let Hugh could recreate that Burt Reynolds Cosmo spread? Or Demi Moore's birthday suit cover? Let Baz Luhrmann photograph him because our favorite silver fox auteur likes to fawn over Hugh's sweaty musculature already. Speaking of: Go see Australia on Wednesday! Here's my review. I worry about its box office prospects and I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we don't want to wait another 7 years for another Bazmark production. I know we can blame the gap between Moulin Rouge! (2001) and Australia (2008) partially on Oliver Stone and Baz's aborted take on Alexander but it's not like the auteur is speedy to begin with. Give the Luhrmann/Martin team some incentive to move right into the next movie... whatever it may be. I'll even take a return to Alexander... it's not like Stone's was definitive.

P.S. How many rounds could you go in the ring with Jackman?