Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Protest Tonight!

If you're in the NYC area there's a peaceful Prop 8 protest tonight (6:30 PM) by the Mormon temple on 65th and Columbus. Thousands of equality minded people --gay, straight and other are expected to attend. Mormons will undoubtedly continue to spend their tax-exempt money to further their cause of legalizing discrimination but the truth is that more and more people are waking up to the hypocrisy of government sanctioned discrimination against its own citizens. It's all a matter of time. Here's Drew Barrymore and Keith Ulbermann fighting the good fight.

I love goodhearted celebrities (Drew) and random kind gestures (Keith). I could eat them up with a spoon. yum-yum.

UPDATE: Towleroad has a thank you to everyone who showed last night. It was pretty great (if short). Here's a list of upcoming protests. And a more mainstream overview of the situation from ABC News -- I get so frustrated at how lazy journalists are. Nobody ever asks follow up question. I understand that the typical Mormon defense against polygamy 'that was a long time ago. we don't do that anymore' is probably often part of just your garden variety press release package / statement and not pulled from an actual interview but shouldn't there be some responsibility on the part of the press to question statements which are misleading by nature, rather than just printing them? FACT: Mormon theology still supports polygamy. The belief is not past-tense, they just don't practice it right now. Why do people accept these evasions from this political lobbying group?