Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Link Spilleth Over

Funny Pages Posts
Mister Honk Troopin' in the Rain. hee
Goatdog "if they only had texting" old movies reimagined
Go Fug Yourself plays madlibs with Julianne Moore

Yahoo watch Penélope Cruz and the girls rehearse for Nine. Sort of (it's more like a trailer which highlights the making of. Though why studios give exclusives like this to sites with "streaming video" I'll never know. It looks cool... but it also looks really ugly given the streaming. Missed opportunity when it shoulda been in Quicktime.
Pop Culture Nerd two kids review Where The Wild Things Are
It’s so random that the monsters have generic names, except for Judith and Ira because I don’t know anyone with those names... Why Alexander played with a cute kitten also doesn’t make sense to me. It’s so random because on that island, you would think there are only monsters and not normal animals.
My New Plaid Pants celebrates Nicholas Hoult, all growed up
Movie City Indie
on the Chicago Film Festival Awards.
A Blog Next Door wonders why it took him so long to watch the star-laden Romance and Cigarettes (eep. I still haven't!)
Fin de Cinema remembers The Descent
Noh Way here's another instant Mo'Nique fan, bowled over by Precious

Andy Awesome
Check out this super fun circular art (some examples above)! Several genre movie characters appear and you can buy originals by emailing the artist
NPR R Crumb illustrated "The Book of Genesis"?!?

David Poland wants the Gotham Awards to be better at predicting Oscar. Jesus Christ, Poland! Every time I think my age old battle cry against this stuff is gaining steam (at least Guy Lodge is with me) someone popular goes and says something like this. I must repeat: There is literally no point to ANY awards show other than Oscar existing if they only exist to predict Oscar. Give your awards to whoever you feel is best, the end. Prediction is prediction. Awards are awards. The latter should never strive to be the former -- it's fine if it happens accidentally -- or the awards body in question is a useless corrupt thing. If you want to predict the Oscar, make predictions. Have at it. I myself recommend doing so because it's damn fun. But don't confuse that with the desire to actual honor people for good work. When you're doing that, call it like you see it. Not how you think Oscar will see it. The Oscar race would be an even more fascinating thing if all the other awards bodies followed this decree: Get your own voice or shut the hell up!