Monday, March 6, 2006

Black Sunday

As all of you presumably know, Brokeback Mountain, a film with a Schindler's List style-tally of unanimous awardage acclaim, social importance, and unexpectedly strong cultural and box office pull --indeed the "it" film of the year, lost to a film with but one significant precursor award: It's as if the Full Monty beat Titanic (sounds like a joke but tis true).

I will have more to say about this later today over here.

But for now...
My Sincere Thanks
To the readers who sent in e-mails of condolence last night, anticipating the black cloud that would be hanging over my head. You didn't have to do that. But please know that you are deeply appreciated (and kind)

My Middle Finger
To the media homophobes who struggled mightily (and triumphantly, are you proud?) to unseat a film that took the very unpopular stance of taking gay relationships seriously and exposing the poison and tragedy of the closet for all people.

My Condolescences
To the fans who are hurting. As I always say: "a great film is its own reward"

My Sincere Huh?--Say What? Who Are You?
To Academy Voters: So you don't like the zeitgeist film that won all the precursors, had strong box office and legend making reviews, that marked a personal best for a beloved filmmaker, a film that became a cultural landmark and a watershed mainstream/traditional cinema moment? The kind of film you ALWAYS love. But not this one? Wow, a first.

If you need some righteous anger and some right-on commenting about the state of the world and their respect (or, rather, lack thereof) for gay people here are some good places to go:
Oh My Trill Shame on you, Academy!
Queering the ApparatusFucking Crash !?!?!?
Modern Fabulousity Gay Bashing at the Oscars
The Envelope "Breaking No Ground"