Monday, March 6, 2006

Dazed. Not Confused: Oscar Night in Review

I've finally gotten this out of my system. Herewith my last words on "Black Sunday"

In a scene apparently repeated across the world last night, this Oscar obsessive was just merrily enjoying his annual favorite holiday (Oscar Night) with a bunch of friends. Suddenly a foul spirit swept through the room leaving the collected revelers slack-jawed, nauseous, and with the wind completely knocked out of them. Twenty people laughing, drinking, whispering, smiling transformed into dead eyed abandoned children with one sucker bunch from an elite group of 6000. The moment of which I speak will live in infamy: Jack Nicholson announced that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences were bucking tradition--or rather "traditions" (yes all of them) to deprive that big beautiful gay breakthrough, Brokeback Mountain, its expected and deserving prize. Not for the Academy their 77 year tradition of going with the flow.

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