Thursday, March 16, 2006

X-Men 3,4,5,6,7: The Last Stand

I know I'm late on this. But in regards to the newest X-Men 3: The Last Stand trailer. Methinks they are biting off far more than they can chew. Far more than even the Blob could chew.

It certainly looks appealing for the comic geek and mutant fan within me. But trying to combine three or so epic storylines from the comics --a gene cure, Dark Phoenix, political pressure to smack down on mutants (which usually leads to something they call "Sentinels" though this trailer shows no signs that they've gone that far into the comic's lengthy mythology) gives me great pause. And adding what looks to be about 9 new characters --even if some of them are mere cameos. Really. You wanna do that?

I fear outright disaster. Pretty disaster but still...

Remember when Batman Returns in the interest of upping the ante introduced 3 villains (definitely one too many). It was so terrific visually and Keaton and Pfeiffer had such hot/weird chemistry but the movie was freaking cluttered plotwise. Yeah, that problem seems a given here: the interesting stuff getting shortshrift.

This is not NewYork X-Menanderplatz. They gotta fit this into 2 and a 1/2 hours, don't they? I worry but I pray they prove me wrong. I loved X2. I hope to love X3.