I'm getting this information through a string of e-mails so if any international readers could fill in the blanks or correct any misinformation here in the comments please do. I'm hearing that Dr. Rajkumar had a half century long career, was a role model to millions with a taste for social message films. He was nicknamed "Annavru" or (big brother) by fans and was often thought of as the "King of Acting." I guess think Meryl Streep & Jack Nicholson only with mass ongoing adulation, more awards, a recording career, and another 10 years tacked on to their careers. Apparently Rajmukar was also kidnapped in 2000 and held in captivity for 100 days while demands were made on the government to release prisoners held under a defunct terrorist law. I apologize If I'm getting details wrong. You can read more here.
tags: Rajkumar, Kannada, Judy Garland, stonewall riots, movies, celebrities