Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Weekly Horoscope

May 10th -May 16th
Dance-Off Edition
(links go to video clips of the dancer in action when available)

On this day in 1899 Fred Astaire was born. My favorite dancer is Gene Kelly --I think I've mentioned that a zillion times but it bears repeating. Nevertheless, it's not his birthday. In honor of what woulda been Astaire's 107th each star sign will have a featured dancer to emulate or to reflect them. Any form of dancing is permitted...

Aries (3.21-4.19)
Impulsive Ram, don't charge in too early and end up ahead of the beat. Slow down a fraction. It's a week to take stock of where you are and where you're heading. Use your energy to lead: control that crowd around you. Your Dancer is 'Ice' from West Side Story. "Just play it cool, boy...reallll cool"

Taurus (4.20-5.20)
Full moon coming this weekend will fill your House of Partnership and you're already in a popular emotional cycle. Use the best of your devoted, loving instincts with others and fight to stay receptive to their input. Your dancer is Ginger Rogers. If you can dance backwards the crowd will love you even more for it.

Gemini (5.21-6.20)
It isn't necessary to tell your whole story this week but be honest with anyone you're dealing with. Pour your excess energies into something constructive immediately and stay alert to mood swings in the room. Your dancer is Gene Kelly. You'll have unusually robust and masculine energy to sing in the rain with.

Cancer (6.21-7.22)
A big week for you. The stars are pointing at you including Mars, the action planet is in your sign. Use it but don't stay late at work. Be prepared to receive more than you expected back in love, recognition, and fun especially this weekend. Your dancer is 'Cha-Cha' from Grease. Flirt. Be Seductive. Don't worry about your reputation.

Leo (7.23-8.22)
Take a day to rejuvenate. To keep your mane lustrous and your roar booming, occassional downtime is required. The moon illuminates home and family so spend pleasureable time with someone you love (or even better that you're in love with). Your dancer is Cyd Charisse. She's one delicious fantasy in Singin' in the Rain. Imagine as dream as vivid and live it.

Virgo (8.23-9.22)
It's an excellent week for your social life but what is it you really want? Find out. Romance is in the air. Whether its business or pleasure your calendar will fill up. Network. Your dancer is...Liza Minelli. Yes, she's cuckoo but this is not a week to worry about your flaws. Displaying them could prove endearing. 'Go on and ring them bells....'

Libra (9.23-10.22)
A great week for creativity and collaborative efforts. Socialize with people who inspire you. You may be feeling more daring than usual. Don't be indecisive about it --go with it. Your dancer is Martha Graham. She's hugely influential and able to tap into profound emotions. This week you could go deep.

Scorpio (10.23-11.21)
Full Moon enters your sign this weekend...and you're already such a *ahem* personality. Moods will be shifting quickly which could complicate relationships. Keep past lessons learned in mind. No information is useless. Your dancer is Baryshnikov. It takes years of work to master ballet and dominate any playing field.

Sagittarius (11.22-12.21)
You're going to have to listen carefully to your inner voice even if the music from Scorpio's full moon festivities is drowning it out. Stand your ground this week. Your efforts might not have immediate results but results will come. Your dancer is tap god Savion Glover. Stomp to your own imaginative and speedy rhythym this week.

Capricorn (12.22-1.19)
That moon I keep mentioning will be highlighting your wishes and dreams. It will prove a memorable seven days. Time to take a chance. Let a friend or new face take your hand and lead you somewhere new. Your dancer is Madonna, the queen of reinvention. Express yourself (in a new way). You can perfect the steps later.

Aquarius (1.20-2.18)
Stay centered this week, even if it means exiting the party earlier than planned. Watch out for headaches but it's a great week for making strides at school or work. Your dancer is Shirley Maclaine. Trust your instincts and listen for hidden messages no matter how crazy they may seem... If it's coming from within you it's all good.

Pisces (2.19-3.20)
This could be a great week IF you take it one day at a time. You may need to reevaluate your relationship motives from person to person. I'm going to suggest a rather atypical alter ego for you. Your dancer is Nomi Malone from Showgirls. You see, you'll need high levels of creativity and intuition for business and pleasure. You're juggling both now.

You'll all probably feel like dancing this weekend with the Full Moon in Scorpio bringing out the wild side. Have a toe-tapping good time and invite your friends along for this danceoff by e-mailing this link! Everyone needs the guidance of the stars...

tags: Fred Astaire, movies, celebrities, horoscope, zodiac, ballet, Gene Kelly, Showgirls, Shirley Maclaine, dance, Madonna