Thursday, June 12, 2008

His & Hers Oscar Prophesies

A brief history of the Oscared 'Aughts: Russell Crowe, Denzel Washington, Adrien Brody, Sean Penn, Jamie Foxx, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Forest Whitaker, Daniel Day-Lewis... and ????? Who will it be nowww--oowww Julia Roberts, Halle Berry, Nicole Kidman, Charlize Theron, no comment, Reese Witherspoon, Helen Mirren, Marion Cotillard... and ????? Who will it be nowwww. eeeya--aaahhh. Doo. doo.

Are you singing a new prediction tune or do you still feel like it's going to be, say, Meryl Streep (Doubt) and Sean Penn (Milk) for the coveted Lead Acting Oscars this year? Or maybe you're drinking Oliver Stone's comeback Kool-Aid for a bio featuring his & hers statues for Josh Brolin and Elizabeth Banks as the current occupants of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (pictured left). I'm just asking... pipe down out there. Or type away in the comments

Best Actress Predictions ~ I'm still predicting that Kate Winslet gets the snub on account of....well, I... you see... um... on account of I'm deranged? I'm seeing: Streep, Pfeiffer, Hawkins, Jolie and Barrymore. For now.

Best Actor Predictions ~ I'm ignoring the Josh Brolin thing (who wants any more of George dub-ya? Not I. Won't people including voting members be anxious to bid this era adios?) assuming good ol' "Llewelyn Moss" will be in contention for the actual supporting actor statue instead, what with that No Country style momentum providing free new campaign fuel. Where was I? Oh yes, best actor. I'm seeing: Del Toro, Langella, Mortensen, Penn and Pitt. The last might be wishful thinking but I think it's time that the Academy noticed our Brad again. He's only got one honor from them and he's provided a helluva lot of entertainment over the years.

Who are your 5 lucky boys and girls ... and why?