Tuesday, June 17, 2008

No Top Ten

Totally true reasons why I did not prepare a Tuesday Top Ten for today.

01. I was attending a junket for a freelance job. I met Brittany Snow so you know I had to ask her about working with Michelle Pfeiffer (on Hairspray). Yes, I am shameless.

02. I was working on future posts.

03. I had to run errands.

04. I'm still feeling like crap. I don't know why. I don't have health insurance so I can't speed up the throat healing with anti-biotics if it's viral. I'm not good at naps so I can't sleep it off if it's fatigue. And I don't have a church so if it's a tiny demon infestation, there's no chance of an exorcism. I'll have to wait till it gets bored and leaves. It will. Things are quiet.

05. I was cuddling with my kitty.

06. I was going to post something about Julianne Moore in her Ariel costume from that Disney portrait session but I got too embarassed on account of last night I was at a screening and a fellow critic, without any prompting on my part, told me I was almost as obsessed with The Little Mermaid as his tiny daughter. Tis true.

07. I ran out of Diet Coke.

08. Every top 10 I thought of only had 6 or 7 things. (I suck at math)

09. I was staring at photos of Norma Shearer and lost track of time. (Oh, like that hasn't happened to you!)

10. My internet went down temporarily due to some construction in my building.

What were you doing today?