Friday, June 20, 2008

Now Playing: Traffic Cops, Super Spies, Norwegian Writers

~Crazy talented Samantha Morton and slow burn Jason Patric play traffic cops in this indie romantic comedy of sorts. Morton confesses in the trailer:
I'm one of the most hated people in the world. Nobody likes me. People run from me like the plague, give me the finger, verbally abuse me...
Oh Samantha. This would all change if you stopped stealing your dead boyfriend's novel, murdering children, plotting against Cate Blanchett and rescuing Tom Cruise from certain doom. These are not socially acceptable practices. You bring it on yourself, Samantha!

Brick Lane ~This film got a warm reception with various British film awards bodies last year. It's about a beautiful Bangladeshi woman in a loveless arranged marriage who life is upended when she falls for the young Karim (Christopher Simpson, pictured left). Can you blame her?
Kit Kittredge: An American Girl ~In which Abigail Breslin continues to make bank from her Little Miss Sunshine breakthrough. Based on the popular doll and directed --as Nick reminds me -- by Patricia Rozema who is best known for her erotic lesbian sensibility (I've Heard the Mermaids Singing, When Night is Falling). She's talented for sure but it's often such a mystery as to who gets what job in Hollyweird, right? This goes wide for the holiday weekend but the top markets get it today.

S T I L L * O U T * T H E R E * !
Have you seen that super Norwegian flick Reprise yet? It's now in the following markets: NY, PA, CT, MD, MA, WA, CA, NE and OR. You have less of an excuse to miss it. How many times do I gotta tell you to see it?

Get Smart ~ In which über competent, beautiful, awesome Agent 99 (Anne Hathaway) from CONTROL battles the forces of KAOS. Based on the TV series. P.S. I guess there's a character named "Maxwell Smart" in it, too.
The Love Guru ~ In which Mike Myers brings his wink wink nudge nudge to yet another sketch comedy premise that I assume will drag on for 110-125 minutes. That's how they do these days. I've been receiving daily messages about how offensive this movie is to Hindus and that we should all boycott and yada yada yada... and I have to say I'm very disappointed. See, that Eastern religion always seemed so safe and sane in comparison to all the other super easily offended big religions of the world. The Flick Filosopher, getting the same e-mails as I, explains the idiocy in full detail. Turns out everyone is crazy sensitive and just, well, c-r-a-z-y. The world is doomed...

...have a great weekend !