Friday, April 2, 2010

Hand me my iPad HAL.

Jose here.

Just yesterday I was talking with a few friends about the quick pace with which technological advancements are making our wildest dreams come true.

The ubiquitous-ness of the iPad obviously got our attention and I couldn't help but remember the fact that some similar devices appeared in Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey which had Dr. David Bowman (Keir Dullea) carry around flat screen TV-like thingamajigs which he used for different purposes.

Coincidentally, or not, today the film celebrates its forty second birthday. It opened in Washington D.C. to polarizing reviews and a 160-minute edit which Kubrick cut for the general release just four days later.
Ever since, the film has gained enough prestige to land in practically every list of the greatest movies of all time and has become highly influential (Oscar, as usual, was reluctant to embrace it fully and it didn't get a Best Picture nod).

But back to the technology thing, 2001 was praised not only for its actual scientific accuracy but also for "predicting" things to come (Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke where working at their best Jules Verne mode) and technically inventing what the Visual Effects Oscar category would be all about in decades to come.

Some of the things it suggests are perhaps a bit too insane or years away from becoming feasible; this might be good though because as much as I'd like to murder my computer on a daily basis, it still hasn't developed reciprocal feelings towards me like the infamous HAL 9000 did.

But how about you? What's the one thing in a sci-fi movie that you would just love to see come true?