In Theaters: At Least on the Coasts
Kekexili. From China. Passed over for Oscar submission last year when they went with The Promise instead (still unreleased because, you know, The Brothers Weinstein bought it.)
I Am a Sex Addict an indie comedy.
Hard Candy It stars this man. That's all I need to know.
Kinky Boots already bitched about it. Don't bother.
The Notorious Bettie Page which is the most
In Multiplexes.
Scary Movie 4 arrives. This is officially a Police Academy thing, now, right?
The Wild Somehow missed this altogether when I initially published my animated contenders page. Could we have enough toons released to see 5 Oscar nominee slots again?

New to DVD Earlier This Week
Bugsy Malone A must for Jodie Foster fans. See also: A History Of...
Little Fish Tiny Cate Blanchett who came and went in an eyeblink.
M:I-2 Hilariously homo (click for my ancient overly caffeinated review)
Wolf Creek One of those horror movies that excited cineastes. I'm too scared.