Saturday, July 15, 2006


Excuse me but how great is this trailer? I've enthused about this movie before... as has Joe. Nice to see that our sky-high expectations haven't proved themselves for naught. Other than all the yumminess of this trailer (well cut, tantalizing glimpses of the cast, clever "three act" explanation of the films story disguised as trick exposition, etc...) I have a few questions for the readers:

1. Is Hugh Jackman going to have the best year ever --this and The Fountain.
2. Is Scarlett Johansson ever going to not be in a cool new movie (seriously ---are there five of her? Does she sleep?)
3. Will anyone even notice Ed Norton as The Illusionist with this on the way?
4. Can this get Oscar traction? You know it's going to happen for Christopher Nolan eventually.