Friday, July 28, 2006

What I Like About You

I recently asked you fill out a survey and a few hundred of you participated for which I’m very grateful. I sometimes feel like I’m writing only for myself and I’m a tough critic. I can’t please myself all the time and I can’t please all of you all the time, either. But it’s nice to know that you exist, pleased or not, with the film experience in all its forms and moods. It's my baby. Me proud papa. Thanks for being invested enough to spend a few minutes sending in your own considered opinions.

Things I’ve Learned.
51% of you are here daily and read everything. (I hope the other 49% of the collective "you" are scrolling down to see what you missed.) I wonder if it’s the same 52% of you who also go the movies every week!? Awards/Oscar Buzz (duh) and Countdowns/Lists (!) are the big draws but most of the recurring bits have a good number of fans (except the movie horoscopes –which you’ll notice are already gone --too much work if people aren't lovin' em). 78% of are demanding actual honest-to-god film reviews. Duly noted. I feel like a stubborn rebel in that I constantly find ways of sharing my feelings about movies without actually reviewing them. But in this case it's rebellion of the "without a cause" problem. Unless laziness is a cause. I’ll work on this.

Promise I Can Totally Make
I got quite a few comments suggesting that I just continue to follow my muse rather than fish for what people would love. Rest assured I will. The request questions are not for people-pleasing/pandering purposes but merely for stimulus. It’s surprisingly difficult to do a daily site and writing doesn't happen in a vacuum.

What Else?
As for other sites you read, I'm pleased to note that a lot of you love the usual suspects that I often link to (or have ties to) like ModFab, The Gilded Moose, Oscarwatch, Four Four, Nicks Flick Picks, The Flick Filosopher, etc... You also have really great taste in movies. No surprise. Your 'favorites' lists have been fun to read. I'm not going to get into your requests and interesting comments because I'd be typing all night. But... Deeply appreciated. It'll serve as a well from which I can return for a cool drink and a splash of inspiration.

Thanks again.