Saturday, July 29, 2006

it has a great beat and you can link to it

Feeling so musical today...

Oh My Trill meets John Williams, yes that one, the frequent filmexperience punching bag (it's affectionate abuse. It really is. He did after all write the scores to Star Wars, Superman and more... I can play Schindler's List on the piano)

IndieWIRE with news that the Dixie Chicks documentary "Shut Up and Sing" will be at the Toronto Film Festival. For a split second the other day I thought of dropping everything and going this year. But finances are too tight, damnit.

Low Resolution on the Robert Palmer videos from the 80s. I hate those videos but this post is funny.

*And for those of you who've been wondering why I haven't linked to the latest in 'gay pop star gossip'. It's mostly because I don't care very much. And I don't have much to say other than this: George Michael is an idiot. And congratulations to Lance Bass (my fav post regarding this).