Friday, July 14, 2006

I'll Show You Mine If You...

Your votes have been recorded. And now the "Top 100 Actors of the Aughts (So Far)" journey is officially wrapped... until 2010 (ha ha). Like the actress results the readers cumulative rank is understandably less idiosyncratic (since it's all of your opinions mushed together) but it's still cool to compare.

Brokeback got the readers good. Neither of those cowboys made my top ten list but it wasn't for lack of love --just timing. My conversion to both was fairly recent and this list reflected six years of moviegoing. But for all our differences readers agreed with me a little bit more on the actors: six men are on both lists but the actress list was only a 50% match. Sean Penn and Russell Crowe's much higher placement with readers doesn't surprise me at all. With Penn, I didn't see the volume of work I needed (and you have to subtract points for I am Sam --you really do) and Crowe's taste in middlebrow Oscar chasers is a problem for me (not to mention the phone throwing) but let's not reopen old wounds. I get it --their high placement I mean. My least popular top ten'er? Daniel Craig. The only explanation for his lack of a hardcore following simply has to be that people haven't seen his films. That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

If you're just joining us, here is the whole lengthy journey for the top 100 men and women (for the films of 2000-2005 only)