Friday, September 15, 2006

link it up, baby... link it up

Cinephilia on "New Media Absurdism" Arden has a way with coining a phrase. I wanna be a part of it new media, new media...
Daily Gut Samantha Morton kicked out of Elton John's house!
Cinematical on "The Avengers" movie. My thoughts: Marvel is making too many movies. Gluts in the marketplace eventually mean deterioting quality (Daredevil & Elektra cases in point) and collapse of the entire genre.
popbytes with a sneak peek at Tori Amos's new one... (which is an old one)
Fame Tracker my boy Joe Reid keeps getting closer to the big time: He wrote this great piece on Matthew McConaughey.
Glitterati on Whitney's divorce. I just hope a career revival doesn't include a return to the silver screen. 'Hell to the no' on Whitney as a movie star. Can I get an amen?
GreenCine Daily Blog-a-thons for the Fall. Should I join in?