Thursday, June 5, 2008

Links, Now With 50% More Disney

Slowly the Disneyness of this place is creeping into my soul and making me goofy.... oh the magic... oh the wonder... feels tingly.

Guest blogger Piper decides to take a look at some Disney commercials - one that works, one that doesn't. Take a look over at his Lazy Eye Theatre.

My Disnyfication continues at The Country Fair and the Circus where I'm pondering the many deaths of Disney baddies.

and Coming Soon reports on Disney's 5 year plan (that's 10 upcoming cartoons). Kinda makes you feel bad about your own haphazard, unstructured 5 year plan, don't it?

In non-Disney news.

Rejoice San Diego, Brick Tamland is still thinking of you. So says MTV's Movie Blog.

(Cult)ure Magazine explores the phenomenon of Sexy Ugly. That sounds more mean-spirited than it is... I'd jump into bed with any of these people.

Anne Thompson reports that after a particularly great year Paramount Vantage has had their milkshake drank up by corporate.