Tuesday, June 3, 2008

StinkyLulu's Sex and the City Rant

posted by StinkyLulu
As an unrepentant actressexual, I've become increasingly crabby about the array of hostility toward the series/movie/phenomenon of Sex and the City. It's tiresome and dismaying (especially when voiced by bloggers and radio progams I usually admire). As a late arrival to the SATC phenom (I'm a reluctant aficionado by gaymarriage), I mostly liked the film. And seeing those strange creatures named Miranda and Samantha and Big up on the big screen stomping around a "Magic Kingdom" version of New York City started me to thinking of the whole SATC phenomenon as a fotonovela (a soap opera in comic strip form).

click image to enlarge

I'm now inclined to think of SATC as a fantasy serial franchise that shares more with The X-Men or Harry Potter than it does with some putative post-feminist lodestone of female consciousness from which dudes "might learn something". Indeed, the predisposition to critique SATC as "a beautiful lie" problematic for its shallow misrepresentations of real women (a snap that snarked even the excellent "Vexed in the City" conversation over at Joe R's place) seems proof positive of Rebecca Traister's supersmart riff on the backlash against Emily Gould. Traister writes, "Rather than being troubled by the fact that Gould -- or Bushnell, or Bradshaw, or whoever -- has the spotlight, why not question why so few other versions of femininity are allowed to share it?" All of which is to say, I'm thrilled for SATC's "surprising" milestone success, in the hopes that MORE astonishingly unapologetic, similarly imperfect and comparably enthralling big-screen-event treatments of women's relationships might soon crowd the multiplexes the same way such erratic idiocies as Indiana Jones and Spider-Man are wont to do.

Do YOU have a Sex and the City rant?
Let it rip in comments.