Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Dark Bailout has gone Bat-Crazy. First they asked this grammatical pop question: is it The Batman or just Batman? Hee. And they've made this odd Dark Bailout video. It'd be a funny mashup if it weren't so creepy.

I'm so horrified that the ridiculous hard right swerve we took as a nation is still viewed as OK by so many citizens. And in a way I'm even more horrified by undecided voters. How could you not have made a decision by now the way things are going? And McCain, the Great DeRegulator and faux maverick, is proving himself to be more of a hypocrite than I ever feared he was. But here's the real sting at the moment: Why is it that we're expected to think that socializing health care is EVIL (so many people in power seem to think so) but it's okay to socialize Wall Street, where people make 6 figures on up with great regularity? I'd be much happier if my tax dollars went towards subsidizing a neighbor's medical needs than insuring that some über wealthy person stayed that way. This country has some seriously f***ed up morals. Which is probably why The Dark Knight strikes such a chord with people. Even if people don't understand what's wrong, they understand something's wrong. WHAT A MESS.