Saturday, September 20, 2008

Re-Opening Ceremony

And we're off, heading straight into Fall Film Season and on through to February 2009's date with Oscar. A new season of The Film Experience has begun.

I haven't worked out exactly what I'm doing technically with the site/blog fusion and whatnot... so we may have a Re-Opening Redux coming your way (hey, if Wong Kar Wai and Francis Coppola can do it...) but for now, past years of Oscar coverage are back up along with the popular Film Bitch Awards (aka my ballot, if I had one, plus a gajillion extra categories) ... basically everything is back up, glitches and all*

NOW: new Oscar Predictions & commentary in all categories.

More silliness with a side of seriosity ... i.e. the return of most of the regular TFE series you know & love, old and new obsessions --we're just not sure what they are just yet, regular experimentation and flashbacks to years past including a little bit o' 1968.

* Hey, I don't have a team of paid employees. It's just me & my computer, nitpickers.