Thursday, February 12, 2009

We Can't Wait #7 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Directed by Edgar Wright
Starring Michael Cera, Chris Evans, Anna Kendrick, Satya Bhabha, Mark Webber, Keiran Culkin, Brandon Routh, Ellen Wong and Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Synopsis Scott Pilgrim has to defeat Ramona V Flower's seven evil ex-boyfriends to win her heart
Brought to you by Universal
Expected Release Date Unknown... hopefully Fall 2009.

Fox: It's my job to know something about this movie,... but I don't. I'm not a comics guy so I didn't even know this film was based on a comic book series until I looked it up on Wiki. "So then why did you slot it # 2 on your personal Top 20 you f**king dipsh*t?!? GAWWWD you suck!!!" Well, that's a very good question, Anonymous commenter # 3, and the answer is simply: 1.) Edgar Wright (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead) is directing, and 2.) I like the cast. 3.) Also, Mary Elizabeth Winstead (aka the cute cheerleader from Death Proof) is in it. I suppose the source material is what has a lot of people jazzed about this film, but it makes no difference to me. I'll gladly go into the theater blind, green, and naked for Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

JA: I've spread myself too thin, interests-wise, to really call myself a "comics guy," but I have read about half of the Scott Pilgrim series so far and they are really delightful, and the casting on them has been so amazingly right, so perfect, and so exciting, and Edger Wright directing them seems just as perfect right and exciting, well... all these things look ace on paper. I I can't magine what could go wrong! (knock on wood) And Nick & Norah, which I loved loved loved, proved to me that I haven't gotten tired of Michael Cera's schtick yet, which is good because Scott Pilgrim is EXACTLY the same character. Hipster dweeb in a hipster dweeb band, hipster girl problems, et cetera et cetera.

Nathaniel: I'm not sure when "hipster" became a bad word exactly but wouldn't we prefer hipsters to the alternative?

As far as the perils of adaptation go... I know people like to believe that the mediums of comics and film are more similar than dissimilar -- you can actually view comics as storyboards. And storyboards are only, what, tens of millions of dollars and hundreds of collaborators away from the moving image itself? Presto! I'm being snarky but my point is that it's a tricky transferring act. But I love the concept and think it's a a real opportunity for a movie. Bryan Lee O' Malley's pictures fill me with delight. I was stopped dead in my tracks at a Scott Pilgrim table at Comic Con. I'm in.

JA: Here's Mary Elizabeth Winstead as "Ramona" --->

Fox: What an adorable tease of a photo.

Joe: I only know about this movie what JA tells me, but what he tells me, so far, I'm really liking. Despite the fact that, while I've seen Mary Elizabeth Winstead in several movies, I could not pick her out of a police lineup. That photo is not helping.

Nathaniel: So, what about you out there... you're too quiet. Have you read any volumes of Scott Pilgrim's adventures? Any strong feelings about this up and coming cast (or in Cera & Evans case ... already arrived) cast? Or does JA's "hipster" dropping leave you scrambling for the exit?

In case you missed any entries they went like so...
We Can't Wait:
#1 Inglourious Basterds, #2 Where the Wild Things Are, #3 Fantastic Mr. Fox,
#4 Avatar, #5 Bright Star, #6 Shutter Island, #7 Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
#8 Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus, #9 Nailed,
#10 Taking Woodstock,
#11 Watchmen, #12 The Hurt Locker, #13 The Road, #14 The Tree of Life
#15 Away We Go, #16 500 Days of Summer, #17 Drag Me To Hell,
#18 Whatever Works, #19 Broken Embraces, #20 Nine (the musical)
intro (orphans -didn't make group list)
