Monday, July 10, 2006


My New Plaid Pants has a great Meryl Streep/Joss Whedon moment regarding Whedon's excellent writing of strong female characters.
VH1 Movie News on Pirates 3. I figured you should read about the third film in the trilogy since you've just seen the commercial for it second film, Dead Man's Chest.
The Wow Report "Who's Suri Now?" Yet more creepiness from the TomKat camp. I used to find Cruise's freakishness mildly amusing but he's passing into the Michael Jackson zone in this past year. I don't want to hear anymore. So why am I linking? I don't know. The trainwreck aspect I suppose.

Off Hollywood
FourFour on "A Confederacy of Dunces"
Towleroad with more political maneuvering given the disappointing NY ruling on gay marriage. My question is starting to become this. Just how long will it take before the GLBT community is treated with respect and actual informed discussion rather than used as bait in divisive political power struggles?