Saturday, July 1, 2006

To Lindsay on her 20th Birthday

Happy Birthday to our girl Lindsay.

For my birthday gift to La Lohan I'd like to give her common sense and this sound advice: partying will age you before your time and will not prolong your fame (though it may prolong your infamy). Honing your craft and starring in good movies since you already have fame and star magnetism will make you immortal.

Don't throw it away like River Phoenix (overdose), Winona Ryder (too stoned to remember how to act), and a thousand other young stars before them! Instead pattern your career after the great firecrotches before you: Rita Hayworth, Ann Margret, Julianne Moore, Susan Sarandon, and Nicole Kidman. Somewhere through that coke-fueled haze and hunger you must know that these are better role models than Tara Reid.

And on that unexpectedly parental note...

Please enjoy Lindsay's sweaty dance-club hotness in the video for Rumors -it's part of a long hilarious history of exhibitionist videos (see also Michael Jackson's "Leave Me Alone") which ask you not to look at the star whilst the star shows off. Ah, celebrity delusion! As certain as death and taxes.

Consider this a kick off to a music video heavy week here at the film experience. Because sometimes music videos make excellent short films. (Not that this one does but it's La Lohan, so shut up! 'Why can't you just let her live?')

tags: Lindsay Lohan, music video, music, Hollywood