Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Cliffs of Insanity

This is how bad it's gotten. I see a picture of Michelle Pfeiffer on a cliff as tiny as an ant and I get all freakishly impatient and I think of nothing else. My whole being teetering on my own clifftop of anticipation.
Someone save me from myself! Stardust could never live up to this amount of pent-up longing for my favorite movie star. Hell, my favorite movie star could never live up to my longing for my favorite movie star. I think I have finally lost my mind with the wait. I stare at this picture of Michelle Pfeiffer and I am only longing and I hear only Björk's Hyperballad racing through my mind.
we live on a mountain
right at the top
there's a beautiful view
from the top of the mountain
every morning i walk towards the edge
and throw little things off my sanity. I wonder what my sanity would sound like, slamming, against the rocks.

p.s. the title of this post is actually the name of a blog i've dropped in on occassionally but it was too perfect to pass up for this particular posting. mwah 'lovestrong', thanks for the loan

p.s. 2 there's also an online petition you can sign to ask the distributors and production company of Pfeiffer's romantic comedy I Could Never Be Your Woman to treat the film with more respect and get it out there to the public.