Thursday, January 25, 2007

Superfreaks! The Supporting Actress Race

UPDATE: In the "who should win the Best Supporting Actress?" poll @ the main site, you gave Jennifer Hudson your vote for the Oscar by a comfortable margin. In an interesting twist though, Little Miss Sunshine herself and Babel's careless nanny tied despite nearly a thousand votes cast. Little Miss Blanchett took up the rear. Perhaps no one has seen her dust up with Judi Dench? Is it playing in your neck of the woods yet?

I've finished the updates to the SUPPORTING ACTRESS page with my theories on how each contestant got nominated, who deserves to win, who will nab the trophy, who is friends with Dakota Fanning, who is about to start repeating themselves and more ...

Your thoughts on the supporting actress race (and I use the term "race" lightly of course. There's no race) in the comments