Friday, January 26, 2007

Friday Song and Dance: Oscar Nominees

A month ago I sent you off to the weekend with some Beyoncé, Toni Collette, Meryl Streep, and Devotchka music --all movie related. Did you like it? Hope so because here's another musical kick-off for the weekend. Surely your boss won't mind if you're kicking back to tunes every casual Friday? If you like the little musical interludes, I'll keep 'em.

Here's four of our Best Actress nominees showing off their pipes or dance moves. From left to right: Kate Winslet singing "What If" from some animated movie. But god I love to look at her. Judi Dench singing "Send in the Clowns" from one of a gazillion Sondheim tribute concerts. Penelope Cruz dancing around (and presumably lipsynching again like she did in Volver) in La niña de tus ojos. Finally, though I've probably shared it before, I can never get enough of Meryl Streep singing "ME" from Death Becomes Her. hi-larious. We'll let Helen Mirren rest her vocal chords since she's still got three major acceptance speeches to get through.