Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Link Runner

European Films 1st Official Submission for Oscar's foreign film race announced: The Netherlands are pushing Duska (yes, I'll get the foreign page going on my Oscar section)
Buzz Sugar has this weekly "recasting" challenge thing. This week they're eyeing West Side Story. To quote me pal Nick 'why u wanna hurt me?'
Deep Focus worries about the bowdlerization of The Golden Compass
Zoom In James Lyons (RIP) speaks about the art of film editing
My New Plaid Pants photos from a new Greenaway production. I miss him.
Fishbowl LA Hollywood as a Logan's Run business. 'Kill 'em once they reach 35' Based on the last line of this article I assume this is a comedic take on the situation but still...
Steve on Broadway Billy Elliott on B'way. Only 390ish days away!
To Whom It May Concern
"Dear Creative Block, ..."
I Watch Stuff Cassandra's Dream trailer. If it's anything like Match Point, yes please
ALAP thinks Blanchett might be the first to win two acting Oscars in one night. He thinks that'd be "rad" I personally would choose a different adjective... and maybe a 4-letter word to go with it.

And finally... I discovered while browsing Read Roger that novelist Lloyd Alexander died earlier this summer. I had no idea. I absolutely loved his books (The Chronicles of Prydain) as a kid and it's still a fervent hope of mine that some talented filmmaker will do them justice. Disney messed up badly when they tried to scrunch three novels together for their animated take on The Black Cauldron. More inexplicably they removed several indelible and movie-friendly character traits from the main trio of characters. Disney probably holds the rights for all time (sigh) but a boy can dream that someone somehow somewhere will give this series another movie chance.