Monday, August 6, 2007

Starry Starry Pfeiffer

Guess who finally got their star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame? It's a closely guarded little known secret here at the Film Experience but Nathaniel (c'est moi) is actually a teensy bit of a fan of this woman...

Yes, Michelle Pfeiffer was honored yesterday with a star in Hollywood. It's about f***ing time. Pfans can now make the trek to Hollywood to polish the star, gaze at it in reverence, deem the stars next to it completely unworthy to be in its proximity, and then kneel down to take dozens of cheesy photos with it. (I've just described my next vacation ...don't judge)

Here are some more pix (thanks to Tina for sending me these and MK for thinking of me at the event. I really did intend to go --I haven't been to LA in too long --but the date was shrouded in secrecy until it was too late for poor New Yorkers to figure it out)

I wish I could have been there to cheer from the sidelines but even seeing the photos pfills me with happiness. A well deserved honor I'm sure you'll agree.

If you've stumbled upon this site by a link/search accident and you're still reading, there's more. You can search the Pfeiffer label below for recent postings or catch up on key Pfeiffer articles from the past or just look around --I love other things besides Michelle. Only not quite so much.

Catwoman Top Ten Line Readings
Top 10 "Actresses of the Aughts" she'd be higher but she hasn't worked in five years
Fabulous Baker Boys
and the cinematography of Michael Ballhaus
Susie Diamond her post Makin' Whoopee monologue
Catch That Wave gearing up for La Pfeiff's comeback
Michelle Pfeiffer is... (character collage 91-02)
Michelle Pfeiffer is... (character collage 82-90)
Pfeiffer Pforever a Blog-a-Thon (34 participating blogs)
Pfandom rarely updated but trivia, galleries and reviews

tags: Michelle Pfeiffer