Thursday, October 4, 2007

Are Julianne and Nathaniel Getting Back Together?

I moved to Harlem two years ago and I knew immediately that I'd made the right choice. As if to reward me for my continued neighborhood faith the city put up Michelle Pfeiffer posters at my subway entrance this summer.

Now, the universe is winking at me again.

<-- This time its my other goddess, Julianne Moore, blowing in the wind on 125th street. As you may have gleaned, Julie and I have been going through a rough patch for the past couple of years... trial separation and whatnot. But things are looking up. I'm hearing only good things about her performance in Savage Grace. I accidentally walked by her brownstone a month ago with a friend of a friend who unexpectedly pointed at her door and told me he'd met her and blah blah blah (he had no idea about my, um, feelings for "god" and I had no idea I was walking on the street where she lived). Now she's filming Blindness for Fernando Meirelles, which is based on one of my favorite novels. (We'll talk about that one soon)

These must be signs.

Julianne Moore @ a party for Savage Grace in Cannes (photo from IndieWire)

Finally, my girl made me chuckle yesterday as a stiff folk singer in Todd Hayne's Bob Dylan rumination I'm Not There. One particular Julie moment has a distinct whiff of Christopher Guest style mockumentary adlib'ing. I laughed out loud and found my heart beating a little faster. Perhaps the trial separation is over. Is our love reborn?