Monday, October 22, 2007

That's So Gay Link

Hollywood Reporter Toni Collette is getting her own show (!?!)
Anne Thompson has the Gotham Award nominations (Margot at the Wedding, Into the Wild, I'm Not There, The Savages and Juno among them)
Guardian Unlimited Funny post about onscreen nudity (brought on by Viggo Jr)
Danny Miller 'Falling in Love with Deborah Kerr'
Broken Projector the blogosphere is celebrating double features

Newsweek -This story making the rounds about Rowling "outing" the beloved wizard Gandalf Dumbledore from the Harry Potter franchise... Ugh. I don't mean to be a killjoy for anyone enjoying the revelation but I'm sick to death of chicken shit stuff like this. It's like sitcom stars waiting to come out until their show is off the air. Tell the public when it matters...when it can actually make a difference. It's just pure self serving nonsense to wait until there's no way your bottom line can be affected or until it can be easily shrugged off (the outing is not part of the books). Consider this reaction joke at the often amusing I Watch Stuff blog:
"In response, my roommate said, "No shit. The whole fucking thing is gay."
As careless as the language may be [gay = stupid/uncool for ∞] it is justified: they're just treating the news as flippantly and dismissively as its delivered.

Whoa. somebody woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning! My apologies. bad blogger bad! Let's try that again: Dumbledore is gay? Cool... the best witches and wizards are.