Sunday, October 21, 2007

No Country For Daryl Hannah

Here's something I don't get about the IMDB, everyones favorite movie database: How does their system come up with their photogallery combos? This is an actual unretouched snapshot from IMDB's No Country For Old Men photo page [editor's note: just checked and they've since changed the page, so you 'll have to take my word for it...]

I love me some Daryl Hannah but I'm not sure why fans of the new Coen Bros film No Country For Old Men necessarily would. She does not appear in the movie. She has never worked with the Coen Bros, Javier Bardem, Kelly Macdonald, Josh Brolin, Tommy Lee Jones, Woody Harrelson ...hell, she hasn't even worked with Frances McDormand, a Coen by holy matrimony. But I love that when I went to look for photos from the movie, there she was next to creepy ass Javier all pleased to watch him aim his weapon as if she appeared in the movie... in a red carpet dream sequence (???)