Tuesday, September 2, 2008

"You're Always Welcome at My House"

Nathaniel here. Does anyone else remember that Marisa Berenson episode of The Muppet Show (no, you're too young!) wherein she abuses her visitors and guests. So wrong. But so cute!

I loved The Muppet Show as a kid. I was insane for it basically. Cuckoo for felt monsters and musical numbers. It's sad that today's kids don't get any good variety shows. ANYWAYS... I was thinking about this skit today because I've been such a greedy host. My guests keep looking nervously at the door. Their darting eyes and beads of sweat seem to whisper "Will he ever let us leave? The other guests were never expected to stay this long?!"

You can't see me but I'm unlocking the door. I'm also genuflecting to (in no particular order) Adam, Jonathan, Whitney, JA and Robert who I really leaned on heavily this past month. I invited them because I love their blogs, so check those out and/or subscribe. Good times guaranteed.

I missed the movies so badly in August. I see a light at the end of my Off-Cinema tunnel and I'm taking back the reigns. But you'll still be hearing from other voices from time to time. I love group efforts. Living on the net shouldn't be lonely. JA is sticking around for a weekly column to be determined --I can't live/blog? (...same thing) without him and we love movie-obsessing together despite disparate cinematic interests. There's also a special new weekly guest feature coming that I think you'll love... and even if you don't, I will! And my first rule of thumb for providing free entertainment is to entertain myself. Me! Me! Me!