Monday, February 2, 2009

Nathaniel is Ready for a Fight

I love Barack Obama as much as the next person who voted for him -- well, maybe not quite as much as some of the next people. I think of him as a charismatic, intelligent, erudite, inspiring and diplomatic human being but not as someone who might die for me on a cross or cure my hemorrhaging were I to touch his garment. Nevertheless, I'm super excited for a new era for American politics. But there's a time and place for everything and I do not need to be staring at the President's face, no matter who the president is, when I'm looking at the two most sacred Oscar season covers in magazine-land. The Oscar cover of EW was strange enough but now he's on my beloved "Hollywood" cover of Vanity Fair instead of that highly discussable rotating parade of a dozen stars?

What is going on here??? Calm down Conde Naste / Time Warner drones! Obama is awesome but he's not a movie star. And he's only been in office 14 days. Can we let him work at the job for awhile?

This kind of spoils what I had planned for my long running "Vanity Fair Hollywood" series (click the label to see the old ones) unless Barack Obama has a movie career somewhere that I don't know about. If he does, send me screeners so I may review.

But on a more frustrating note this overselling and pedestal raising of President Obama in the usually semi apolitical entertainment arenas is not helpful. It just gives more ammunition to all the wingnuts out there who love to sell those stupid "liberal media" conspiracies that make it easy for people to play scapegoating games and to excuse their avoidance of any contact with actual reality. In short, I hate it when the far right gets to seem semi lucid instead of batshit crazy.