Tuesday, September 22, 2009

There Can Be Only Link

Today's Must Read: Big Media Vandalism "Inglourious Snatch" which is not simply about Tarantino's latest film but more expansively about "the structural integrity of the shot" and classical film technique. Thanks to the response post on Scanners for pointing me its way.

Pop Vox good piece on Keats and Brawne as portrayed in Bright Star
Filmbo's Chick Magnet has a great idea regarding film restorations for true movie lovers
In Contention chooses the best Best Picture winners. Let me count the ways I disagree with Kris's list... let's see one, two, three, four, five, six... Worth a look

The Big Picture We're entering the last quarter of the year. That means we'll soon see another Clint Eastwood picture. And that also means he's prepping his next picture. They both star Matt Damon
Guardian the rebirth of Colin Firth with A Single Man
Movies Kick Ass observes and learns from The Towering Inferno (fun!)
The Film Doctor on Diablo Cody's feminism, male-dominated film criticism and Jennifer's Body
My New Plaid Pants congratulations to JA for his contribution to Winq Magazine
. Go, JA
IndieWire ah, lists. This one claims that critics and bloggers liked the Coen Bros A Serious Man best at TIFF, what's surprising is that Precious is all the way down at #6. Colin Firth takes the #1 lead performance for A Single Man and Mo'Nique tops the supporting ranks. Could they both win Oscars?

Finally, Film School Rejects conveys the news on the upcoming Highlander remake. I liked the movie when I was a teenager (I had a thing for Christopher Lambert at roughly the same time Diane Lane did though I got it over more quickly than she) but "there can be only one" is so laughable now that the movie has spawned so many sequels and spinoffs. This also reminds me of a great line about reality television from the Monkey See Emmy live blog which went like so: "I love how we've reached a point in the genre's evolution where the best way to get on a reality show is to have been on a reality show." It's not just that genre's evolution. It's entertainment, period.