Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Titans! Will! Clash!

JA from MNPP here, taking us on a journey into the Mythical land of Perseus and his bros. (Or is it Brahs? I can never keep my frat-boy-speak up to date.) Anyway I assume by now we all have witnessed the thigh-thundering glory that is the trailer for the remake of Clash of the Titans?

If not, ye shall behold!



I took some big pretty screen-grabs over at MNPP if you're interested (with special attention paid to Sam Worthington's skimpy skirt, naturally).

I personally am super-stupid-psyched for this movie. Emphasis on stupid. I love the 1981 original deeply for it's epic cheesiness. Ray Harryhausen's creatures nurtured me to the deranged adulthood I now occupy. Indeed, here's the original film's trailer. Compare, contrast.



But I can completely see the place for a big be-spectacled CG-palooza remake of this sort. Just stir in a couple hundred million dollars, replace Sir Laurence Olivier with Liam Neeson (I do wish they'd gotten dear Dame Maggie Smith back though) and Harry Hamlin's nipples with Sam Worthington's gleaming gams, and voila! Insta-hit.

If they keep this light and silly and big big BIG then this could be a ton of Summer fun next year. Well, March fun. It's out on March 26th. Summer just keeps steamrolling in sooner each year, eh?