Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"The People's Globes"

Quick, name the most useless awards show on the planet!

If you answered "all of them", you're too snarky for your own good. If you answered the People's Choice Awards, I'm not here to argue. If you answered the Golden Globe Awards, you're being unkind. Like the Oscars, they've made choices both splendid and stinky over the years. But if you hear "People's Choice" and "Golden Globe" and suddenly wonder, "What's the difference?" you must have watched the Golden Globes this past Sunday night.

<--- Sandra Bullock Movies = $1,600,000,000+ over the past 16 years

The Hollywood Foreign Press Association, the giver of the Globes, has weathered many credibility issues in its 67 years. Will the HFPA’s latest "embrace the box office!" credo be seen as blunder or boon? Their "Best!" proclamations for the 2009 film year look more like a box office chart than the mix of critical acclaim, prestige elements and general (if unspectacular) success that such "Best!" pronouncements usually resemble.
  • Best Picture (Drama): Avatar
  • Best Picture (Comedy): The Hangover
  • Best Picture (Animated): Up
Together, those Best Pictures average a jaw dropping $358 million domestic gross...

Read the rest at Tribeca Film ... where we'll discuss the place of box office and popularity in "best" contests and how that relates to Sandra Bullock, too.I'll be holding court once weekly at Tribeca until Hollywood's High Holy Day.