Saturday, February 27, 2010

Random Recurrent Thought That's Bound To Lead To Disappointment

I was just innocently looking through movie photos this evening when it abruptly occurred to me (again). Adam Shankman, the man behind this year's Oscars, actually directed Michelle Pfeiffer quite recently for Hairspray. Why wouldn't he invite her deliciousness to present Best Picture at the Oscars?

And then I woke up.

I remembered that Shankman probably only reads J-14 and Teen People and keeps inviting people like Miley Cyrus and the Twilight cast to present Oscars (sigh). Just once I'd love Oscar to focus solely on true movie legends when it comes to the presenters. There are so many awards shows now. Shouldn't the Oscars be the ones with the most prestige in terms of who gets to do what?

I've bitched before about how actress-free the Best Picture announcement always is (They've never even asked Meryl Streep -- MERYL STREEP! -- to do it) so I shan't do so again. But if one of the Twilight kids get to do Best Picture instead of one of the hundreds of classic stars who have never been asked, I'm going to f***king kill someone. [/rant]

cooling down... cooling down...

Who do you think will present? Here's some otherstars that Shankman has worked with over the years whether as choreographer or director (not that they only invite people the producers are chummy with... I'm just sayin' -- he knows these people): Steve Martin, Zac Ephron and Queen Latifah (multiple projects all... and Steve's the actual host. So, maybe there's something to my sudden urge to type up all these names), John Travolta, Jennifer Lopez, Vin Diesel and Matthew McConaughey.

My Olive Branch
Whenever I freak out like this I remember that Adam Shankman has brought me much joy as a choreographer over the years. I mean, he's choreographed some moments on movie and TV that I just love. Like the Boogie Nights dance scene with Mark Wahlberg and Heather Graham (on skates!) and the Camp Chippewa hilarity in Addams Family Values and the entire musical episode of Buffy "Once More With Feeling" and Tank Girl's Busby Berkley'ish bit in the long lost era of Lori Petty and Nobody Knowing Who Naomi Watts Was...

So maybe it'll all turn out OK. Though it's very weird that a musical guy is the guy who decided to jettison those Original Songs from the broadcast.