Friday, February 12, 2010

Tarantino on Maddow

Did you catch Quentin Tarantino on The Rachel Maddow Show last night? He was his usual vainglorious --excuse me vainglourious-- self. But it is interesting to see how successfully they have repositioned the movie for Oscar season. This was the plan way back of course, to move away from the outrageous comedy persona they were cultivating in the summer. But sometimes I'm surprised that Tarantino, who can never shut up, is so good at staying on message. He gives the movie all sorts of extra credit points here for political relevance and comparing its modern take on past history to Bonnie & Clyde (!)

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I actually watch violent movies with the "chick-vision" they laugh about. I'm not ashamed. I'm just not a big lover of gruesome violence. I don't have the bloodlust that the box office receipts for just about everything imply that I should have. I love that Maddow admits that she does this, too. "This is one chick like thing about me."

Now I want to see one of these "glockenspiel musicals" that QT references when he's talking about the German film industry at the time.