Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Link Parade: Tilda, Carole, Hugh & Nicole

SF360 Hollywood does still have rebel forces. Tilda Swinton reminds us she's still Derek Jarman's girl, with this amazing speech [src]
Coming Soon talks with Hugh Jackman: The Fountain, the new Bazmark (yay!) and Wolverine
Cinefille pays tribute to Julie Andrews. SAG will, too
NY Times asked comedic stars to choose their five favorite funny films. The answers skew very contemporary as if these famous folks haven't realized their genre has been in a free fall since the 1930s [src]
WOW Dylan bitches about gay filmmakers' internalized homophobia. It comes out in the casting
Towleroad Carol Channing's publicist struggles to protect the base
Film Ick has photos of the daemon stand-ins from The Golden Compass as well as a nice shot of Nicole Kidman as Mrs. Coulter (not Ann, but still fairly evil)