Thursday, November 9, 2006

We Are All Nicole Kidman

If Nicole Kidman can find the time to be a wildly successful movie star, a new bride, David Thomson's muse, a fine actor, and a mother than certainly you can find the time to take a quiz I prepared especially for this weekend of Nicole goodness (Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus hits theaters today!)

Anyway: The Quiz! You know how it is: You're washing dishes. You're listening to your iPod. You're chatting with friends. But your mind can't help but drift towards that eternal question ...

"Which Nicole Kidman Character Am I, Anyway?"

No more endless pondering. Now, you can know for sure! Tell us who you turned out to be in the comments, and tell your friends about this quiz. Nobody should go through this life never meeting their inner Kidman.


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tags: Nicole Kidman, movies, quiz