Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Linker of the House

one more political post and then we're back to celluloid full time

America's progressive citizens are feeling quite cheerful today. And whether or not the other citizens ever admit or even realize it, they'll also reap the benefits of what looks like a small baby step towards a return to sanity for the USofA. All around the blogosphere it's like sunshine and warm fuzzies. Check these out:

Center of Gravitas sums it up with cheeky nicknames. ModFab relives the best moments of his live chat. That chat so much fun I'm thinking of doing one right here at the film experience. What do y'all think? But for what event? Hmmmm. Electronic Cerebrectomy feels hopeful, even in the face of the institutionalized bigotry of 27 states. And speaking of bigotry Catherine's got some words for her home state of Virginia, a bigot's paradise. But before we get too sad there's still more good news. Towleroad covers the record number of GLBT candidates elected. My New Plaid Pants regular feature "today's mood" is a perfect teary eyed inspirational choice. Trading Faces does a happy dance on the "best day ever" and Ameriblog theorizes about the meaning of the power change.